You will receive a swab (pretty much a large q-tip) that you will roll around on the inside walls of both cheeks to collect the cells needed. After your specimen is received back to our lab, your DNA profile will be emailed to you within 40 days.
Think of any disease that we face: recurring colds, depression, constipation, insomnia, cholesterol, diabetes, anxiety, fatty liver.You can name them off one by one… then go to Google to find ways to treat these. Or ask your doctor. Exercise is always on the list. It prevents, lowers, lessens and improves almost every ailment in the book.
And when you are older, is exercise just as relevant? Scared of a stroke? Exercise is preventative. Heart disease? Make sure you are active! Blood pressure? Exercise lowers it. Cancer? Fit people are less prone to develop breast-, colon-, and many other cancers. Arthritis? The right exercise can save your joints. Worried about a hip replacement? Exercise keeps your balance and ligaments strong and in good working order to help prevent injuries.